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Heat Soaked Glass

Toughened glass in some instances may break without warning due to the expansion of Nickel Sulfide Inclusions (NiS) within float glass. Although such breakages are rare, publicity of their occurrence has resulted in higher awareness of this phenomenon.

To mitigate against the risk of such occurrences one option is to avoid the use of toughened glass. Where toughened glass is required to meet safety requirements or for added strength we can heat soak the toughened glass. This provides added assurance that considerable spontaneous breakage will not occur.

We heat soak glass using a certified Tamglass heat soak oven in accordance with EN14179.

Heating phase

The heating phase commences with all the glasses at ambient temperature and concludes when the surface temperature of the last glass reaches 280°c.

Holding phase

The holding phase commences when the surface temperature of all the glasses has reached a temperature of 280°c. The duration of the holding phase is 2 hrs.

Cooling Phase

The cooling phase commences when the last glass to reach 280°c has completed its holding phase, i.e. been held for two hours at 290±10°c. During this phase the glass temperature shall be brought down to ambient temperature. The cooling phase can be concluded when the air temperature in the oven reaches 70°c.


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